Contact Andy Dickson, Sec/Treasurer 01683 300592. Mobile 07971 764022.
Neil Alston, 6 poundish, WITH Sea Lice!! Patersons Stream head of the river, Upper Beat, 6th November, 2013, returned Gary Kennedy had three on Saturday on Applegarth, 5 pounds, 6 pounds and 21 pounds - pictured returned
Tommy Drennan, 14 poundish, Plum, Upper Beat, 31st October, 2013, returned
Grayling, comfortably over a pound and a half, UPPER Beat, Thursday, 27th December, 2012, Dave Dick, on a pink and goldhead nymph in way over 18 inches of clean flood
Grayling, 2 pounds 3 ounces, Applegarth Beat, Wednesday, 19th December, 2012, John Arkwright
Grayling, 21 inches, approx 4 pounds, would be Scottish record but no witnesses so returned Applegarth Beat 17th May, 2006 Tony Donnely
Peter Wagner with a 5 pounder from Applegarth returned
Peter Wagner with an 8 pounder from Applegarth returned
Young Benjamin Wagner with a VERY nice 20 incher from Applegarth returned
Eric Woodward, Applegarth Beat, 23rd April, 2012. and thats a lot of Grayling
Andrew Littler, on the Kinnel, Applegarth Beat, Saturday, 21st April, 2012. Nice one safely returned
Trevor Heyliger, Applegarth Beat, Thursday, 12th April, 2012, 21 inches wild Brown Trout, March Brown emerger, in heavy rain after hail
Mike Boyd, Applegarth Beat, Saturday, 7th April, 2012, 23 inches wild Brown Trout in grand condition, March Brown dry
One like this in fact Andy BanksPothole below Woodfoot bridge on Upper Beat, Tuesday, 6th September, 2011, 3 ½ pound Brown Trout - returned Robert Brownfrom Colburn, North Yorkshire, didn't do too much with dry fly but had some nice ones on beadhead Nymph below Woodfoot Bridge. This one was 52cms (over 3 pounds) Dave Dick, Moffat, First season with a fly rod on the Annan tried a Hawthorn fly on the Upper Beat on Monday 13th June, 2011, and caught and returned a very nice 2 pound plus brownie at the Plum Gwilym Hughes, from Denbigh Fished Applegarth Beat on Monday 16th May, 2011 with a couple of companions Andy Nicholson came to fish the UAAA Upper Beat on the Annan on Thursday, 7th April, 2011
Paul Cosgrove had a day on the Applegarth Beat on Friday 8th April, 2011 Brian Hastie Had a nice 20 incher from the pot Hole on Upper Beat on Friday, 15th April, 2011 and of course all Brown Trout are catch and release throughout the season so these fish are still there waiting for you and there are BIGGER ones!!
John Arkwright, fishing Applegarth near Millhousebridge on Saturday, 28th January, 2012 had Grayling of 2 pounds and 3 pounds long trotting. This is the smaller one. Meanwhile another angler, Kenny Halley, fishing near the top of the beat had an epic struggle on fly with a lady of 3 pounds 4 ozs, which he videoed, only he didn't cos the camera was set just a little too high. You may have heard the screams of anguish coming down the wind when he realised!!!
Jim Loudon, 3 pounds 5 ounces, Personal Best, Applegarth Beat, Friday, 3rd February, 2012
Willie Adamson's Surprise! Applegarth Beat February, 2012, three pound line, size 16 hook and a couple of maggots long trotting for Grayling, 5 pound salmon - ok its a Kelt but even so!!
Ahhh thats better - no weight - scales left in car but a nice one
Grayling, 21 inches, approx 4 pounds,, would be Scottish record but no witnesses so returned Applegarth Beat 17th May, 2006 Tony Donnely
Dave Dick, Upper Beat on Friday, 13th September, 2013. Pound and a half on small Iron Blue Dun
Dave went to fish the Plum, Upper Beat on Thursday, 5th September, 2013. Briefly lost control of his dry fly and as it dragged at bit across the tail he hooked and then lost a salmon. Returning the next day, and in the same place using a Stoats Tail he hooked and landed.................... a very nice Brownie. Its a daft game still!
Dave Dick, 14 inch "fat as butter" well over a pound, Clyde style fly size 16, Upper beat 22nd August, 2013
Andy Banks in highish water, Applegarth, May, 2013
Gwilym Hughes looking suitably pleased, Applegarth, May, 2013
Dave Dick, 4.14 pounds, Cogries, Upper Beat on an Iron Blue Dun, 26th June, 2013
Buddy you definitely need a bigger net, 23 1/2 inches, Upper Beat Home |
Of course not all the fish catchers in the river abide by the rules!!! 27 pounder!!
Phillip Jones, Applegarth Beat, week commencing 23rd April, 2012. Lot of Brownie
More Trout PicturesSam Kelly from StroudVisited Applegarth Beat 13th to 17th June, 2011. Had Sea trout at 9 pounds and 5 1/4 pounds and a Brown at 5 pounds, all on beadhead and all returned. Dave DickEnded his first summer after trout on the Annan with a neat little half pounder in the Meetings hole. I'm now expecting to see pics of salmon Dave!!
Andy BanksLost a Grilse on Upper Beat in the morning, 7th July, 2011 and moved to Applegarth. Rapala at Fourmerkland 20 pound salmon and it is a corker!! Alex McGregorLochbrow, Applegarth Beat, 5th November, 2011. It's a monster, 25 plus on a Rapala, returned Neil WilsonWoodhead Scaur, Upper Beat, 15th October, 2011, nice fresh 6 pounder hen fish on a size 12 Ally's shrimp returned."River heaving with fish" Neil AlstonUpper Beat, 13th September, 2011, nice 7 pounder salmon on a baggie. Neil AlstonPoldean on Upper Beat, Wednesday, 17th August, 2011, 9 pound salmon on an Admiral Nelson tied by "Malky" Returned. Lost a similar fish later same place. Neil WilsonPaterson's Stream on Upper Beat, Monday, 15th August, 2011, 11 pound salmon on a size 12 Cascade tied by Andy Banks. Returned. Clint BackhouseApplegarth Beat near Archwood, Tuesday, 19th July, 2011, 11 pound salmon on a Toby.
Fish from further afieldNeil AlstonCopewood, Monday, 7th November, 2011, Stoats Tail, 10 pounds returned Alex McGregorLochbrow, Applegarth Beat, 5th November, 2011. It's a monster, 25 plus on a Rapala, returned Neil WilsonWoodhead Scaur, Upper Beat, 15th October, 2011, nice fresh 6 pounder hen fish on a size 12 Ally's shrimp returned."River heaving with fish" Neil AlstonCopewood, Tuesday, 27th September, 2011, spinner, 11 pounds returned Lindsey NelsonHoddom, Monday, 26th September, 2011, Flying C, 15 pounds sea liced. Good run of fresh fish passing through, some big ones. Neil AlstonCopewood, Thursday, 22nd September, 2011, spinner, 8 pounds brand new returned Neil AlstonPoldean on Upper Beat, Wednesday, 17th August, 2011, 9 pound salmon on an Admiral Nelson tied by "Malky" Returned. Lost a similar fish later same place. Neil WilsonPaterson's Stream on Upper Beat, Monday, 15th August, 2011, 11 pound salmon on a size 12 Cascade tied by Andy Banks. Returned. Clint BackhouseApplegarth Beat near Archwood, Tuesday, 19th July, 2011, 11 pound salmon on a Toby.
Neil Alston, 6 poundish, WITH Sea Lice!! Patersons Stream head of the river, Upper Beat, 6th November, 2013, returned Gary Kennedy had three on Saturday on Applegarth, 5 pounds, 6 pounds and 21 pounds - pictured returned
Tommy Drennan, 14 poundish, Plum, Upper Beat, 31st October, 2013, returned
Grayling, comfortably over a pound and a half, UPPER Beat, Thursday, 27th December, 2012, Dave Dick, on a pink and goldhead nymph in way over 18 inches of clean flood
Grayling, 2 pounds 3 ounces, Applegarth Beat, Wednesday, 19th December, 2012, John Arkwright
Grayling, 21 inches, approx 4 pounds, would be Scottish record but no witnesses so returned Applegarth Beat 17th May, 2006 Tony Donnely
Peter Wagner with a 5 pounder from Applegarth returned
Peter Wagner with an 8 pounder from Applegarth returned
Young Benjamin Wagner with a VERY nice 20 incher from Applegarth returned
Eric Woodward, Applegarth Beat, 23rd April, 2012. and thats a lot of Grayling
Andrew Littler, on the Kinnel, Applegarth Beat, Saturday, 21st April, 2012. Nice one safely returned
Trevor Heyliger, Applegarth Beat, Thursday, 12th April, 2012, 21 inches wild Brown Trout, March Brown emerger, in heavy rain after hail
Mike Boyd, Applegarth Beat, Saturday, 7th April, 2012, 23 inches wild Brown Trout in grand condition, March Brown dry
One like this in fact Andy BanksPothole below Woodfoot bridge on Upper Beat, Tuesday, 6th September, 2011, 3 ½ pound Brown Trout - returned Robert Brownfrom Colburn, North Yorkshire, didn't do too much with dry fly but had some nice ones on beadhead Nymph below Woodfoot Bridge. This one was 52cms (over 3 pounds) Dave Dick, Moffat, First season with a fly rod on the Annan tried a Hawthorn fly on the Upper Beat on Monday 13th June, 2011, and caught and returned a very nice 2 pound plus brownie at the Plum Gwilym Hughes, from Denbigh Fished Applegarth Beat on Monday 16th May, 2011 with a couple of companions Andy Nicholson came to fish the UAAA Upper Beat on the Annan on Thursday, 7th April, 2011
Paul Cosgrove had a day on the Applegarth Beat on Friday 8th April, 2011 Brian Hastie Had a nice 20 incher from the pot Hole on Upper Beat on Friday, 15th April, 2011 and of course all Brown Trout are catch and release throughout the season so these fish are still there waiting for you and there are BIGGER ones!!
John Arkwright, fishing Applegarth near Millhousebridge on Saturday, 28th January, 2012 had Grayling of 2 pounds and 3 pounds long trotting. This is the smaller one. Meanwhile another angler, Kenny Halley, fishing near the top of the beat had an epic struggle on fly with a lady of 3 pounds 4 ozs, which he videoed, only he didn't cos the camera was set just a little too high. You may have heard the screams of anguish coming down the wind when he realised!!!
Jim Loudon, 3 pounds 5 ounces, Personal Best, Applegarth Beat, Friday, 3rd February, 2012
Willie Adamson's Surprise! Applegarth Beat February, 2012, three pound line, size 16 hook and a couple of maggots long trotting for Grayling, 5 pound salmon - ok its a Kelt but even so!!
Ahhh thats better - no weight - scales left in car but a nice one
Grayling, 21 inches, approx 4 pounds,, would be Scottish record but no witnesses so returned Applegarth Beat 17th May, 2006 Tony Donnely
Dave Dick, Upper Beat on Friday, 13th September, 2013. Pound and a half on small Iron Blue Dun
Dave went to fish the Plum, Upper Beat on Thursday, 5th September, 2013. Briefly lost control of his dry fly and as it dragged at bit across the tail he hooked and then lost a salmon. Returning the next day, and in the same place using a Stoats Tail he hooked and landed.................... a very nice Brownie. Its a daft game still!
Dave Dick, 14 inch "fat as butter" well over a pound, Clyde style fly size 16, Upper beat 22nd August, 2013
Andy Banks in highish water, Applegarth, May, 2013
Gwilym Hughes looking suitably pleased, Applegarth, May, 2013
Dave Dick, 4.14 pounds, Cogries, Upper Beat on an Iron Blue Dun, 26th June, 2013
Buddy you definitely need a bigger net, 23 1/2 inches, Upper Beat Home
30 pounder, returned, Applegarth 2012, Colin Grierson
Tim Wood, Applegarth Beat, Friday evening, 26th May, 2017,
Tim Wood, Applegarth Beat, Wednesday, 24th May, 2017,
Dave Dick, Applegarth Beat, Monday, 22nd May, 2017, 4 pound 23 inch on a dry Wickham
Gareth Davies, Applegarth Beat, Thursday, 18th May, 2017, another nice one
Mike France, Applegarth Beat, Wednesday, 17th May, 2017, another nice one
Don Brown, Applegarth Beat, Wednesday, 17th May, 2017, on a dry sedge
Dave Dick, Applegarth Beat, Wednesday, 17th May, 2017, 17 inch, 1.5 pound Sea Trout, Dry Wickhams fancy
Dave Dick, Upper Beat, Wednesday, 17th May, 2017, 17 inch, 2 pounds, Iron Blue Dun Border Reivers are back from Wales - pillaging at least - and catching some crackers
Gareth Davies, Applegarth Beat, Wednesday, 17th May, 2017, another nice one
Eric Woodward, Applegarth Beat, Monday, 15th May, 2017, 55 cms, (21.5 inches in real money) estimated 5 pounds
Dave Dick, Upper Beat, Saturday, 6th May, 2017, Three pounds 11 ozs, and 21 inches, blue quill
Dave Dick, Upper Beat, Wednesday/Thursday, 26th and 27th April 2017, 2016, Nice pair one at 2 pounds and 1 at 15 inches. Small dry blue quill
Will Marshall, Upper Beat, Monday, 3rd April, 2017, 17 inches maybe a couple of pounds, very COLD day with nothing rising, Gold head nymph fished under a dry
Will Marshall, Upper Beat, Monday, 27th March, 2017, 20 inches fat as butter, 22 sparkle dun RECENT CATCHES
Gwilym Hughes From North Wales, brought his usual couple of parties of anglers on a cross border raid on the Upper Annan in May, 2015. The guys fished Upper and Applegarth Beats and the Passport water on the Kinnel. They liberated 57 Brown Trout and Grayling during their visits. Browns to 4 pounds and Grayling to 3 pounds. More details on Gwilym's website, but a brief selection follows