Upper Annandale AA Want to fish the Annan, Southern
Salmon and Brown Trout are catch and release for the foreseeable future
Only 20 miles north of Carlisle - UAAA for Salmon, Sea Trout, specimen Grayling and seriously BIG wild Brown Trout
Upper Annandale Angling
Association has 8 miles of this 35 mile river.
There is plenty of fishing available.
We have one 4 mile beat north of Lockerbie (Applegarth Beat) and another 4 mile beat south of Moffat (Upper Beat), mostly both banks.
Brown Trout are ALWAYS catch and release on our water and yes they are that big and that wild. WILD Brownies from 4 to 8 pounds are caught every year on dry fly and nymph, mostly in April, May, and June and on both beats.
By May there are Sea Trout available and in the last couple of years we've had Summer salmon to 20 pounds starting in June and July, even though Annan is typically considered a "back end" river with the main Salmon runs in September, October and November.
The Scottish Government has brought in legislation to help salmon numbers in some rivers. Rivers have been classified as Categories 1, 2, and 3. Categories 1 and 2 may kill some salmon, Category 3 which applies to the Annan and lots of other rivers are entirely catch and release for this year. To be reviewed yearly.
The prohibition on the retention of salmon caught in coastal waters remains in place due to the mixed stock nature of the fishery and limited data on the composition of the catch (this will reviewed in 2018)The high seas net catch which peaked at 12,000 tons on the 70s is down to under 1,500.
Many UK rivers, including the Esk, Eden, Annan and Nith are showing returning salmon numbers to be below their Conservation Limits. Not enough fish returning from the sea to sustain the population.
It looks like the hooks part of the legislation will be roughly this:- Fly anglers after salmon or grilse can fish one hook though the fly can be tied on a single, double or treble hook.
Spinners etc can have a single treble hook.
Bait anglers can have one hook and it must be a single no larger than size 4
Information on the subject is updated on the Scottish Government website here
Government website
Salmon catches Catches on the whole river dropped from the five year average of 1,500 to 330 in 2014 and 450 in 2015. In 2016 there was light fishing pressure due to the Catch and Release regulations and the catch FOR THE WHOLE RIVER fell to 125 The fact remains that salmon can only breed in fresh water and if we don't send enough young fish back to sea so that at least SOME can return to breed then local extinctions will happen, and soon
Flood picture

This is what I mean when I tell you it's in the fields! This was the view from my house of Woodfoot Bridge at 9am on Wednesday, 30th December, 2015 when it was 8 feet 4 inches up and rising. It later got to over 9 feet, just short of the highest ever 9 feet 6 inches and stayed at that height until dark. The car park never floods, although water crossing the road between the bridge and the farm in the distance gets deeper and faster until only brave people in big tractors can get across
CHECK river height in the mornings before travelling to fish. Feet and inches Usually updated 6pm and 6am ish at this time of year
Annan at Three Waters Meet gauge applies to both beats
Kinnel at Bridgemuir gauge is on the Kinnel tributary and can sometimes be a very different height but only affects the main river below Applegarth beat
Huge wild Brown Trout
Brown Trout are always and entirely catch and release on our water
During April, May and June each year we have seriously BIG wild Brown Trout taking dry flies and nymphs all over the Upper Annan. Fish of 4, 5, 6, 7 pounds and upwards are being caught year after year. The Association introduced total catch and release for Brown Trout some 10 years ago now and since then the numbers of massive fish have kept on increasing. Check out the Big Fish page
2022 Season permits NOW on PayPal.
Reduction to permit prices continues 2022
Under 18's need a permit but fish for free
Permits are available for either Upper or Applegarth beats. They are not interchangeable, except the Winter Grayling permits which cover both beats and Sundays and the New Brown Trout and Grayling summer permits which cover both beats and Sundays
Cheques/Postal Orders to Secretary BUT payable to UAAA
If you wish you can pay for your season permit by PayPal. You do not need a PayPal account to pay by credit or debit card. There is no charge to you for this service. However, this facility is for season permits only. For day permits you need to deal with Fishpal for Grayling Permits and either Fishpal or local shops and businesses for Salmon/Trout permits
Select from Full Salmon Season for all species from 25th February, 2020 to 15th November 2020 and select one beat or both
If you are paying for a permit and need a free permit for an under 18 as well, just enter their name and date of birth in the text box provided by PayPal, where it says "add special instructions to the seller" - I will know its for the same beat(s) and will send it to YOU. If you're buying for a buddy as well as yourself, then again put their name and address in the "Special Instructions" and I will send their permit with yours
All species full season permits from 25th February to 15th November. These remain a considerable bargain if you intend to fish the Annan for more than a few days.
Under 18's must have a permit but fish free.
No Sunday Fishing, except for Brown Trout in season and Grayling with suitable tackle. No Rod Licence required.
Permit holders who submit an accurate and timely catch return will be entered into a draw at the AGM for a free season permit for the following season.
Permits available Locally
Day or week permits from:- Benmar Esso Petrol Station,
Moffat, open 6am to 10pm - on your right as you drive in from Motorway junction 15; Day permits for both our beats on the Annan available 25th February to 15th November
Also from:-
Sports and Trophy Shop, High Street, Lockerbie, (diagonally across from Kings Arms);
A word about Rainbow Trout.

Even catching rainbows can be fun
There are a few fish farms on the Annan system and every now and then one or other will have escapes of Rainbows.
When they first escape, 9 inches long and a few hundred in one pool they can be a total pain and may be removed from the river without restriction on numbers.
They do eventually spread out and most get eaten by BIG Rainbows or Brown Trout or other predators
A few of these little nuisances survive and flourish in the system and can become big naturalised assets,
full finned fighting fish which have been caught to 6 1/2 pounds.
There is still no restriction on taking them, but anglers who feel they are an asset to the river usually return such fish

Some people curse rainbows, but not when they are fin perfect and 18 1/2 inches. Upper Beat August 2007, returned, Jim Lees
Annan and Borders Flyfishing
Keith Snow is a fishing instructor/guide based in Annan.
Can arrange a fishing holiday package with instruction, guiding, tackle and safety equipment or whatever combination you require.
Services Scotland wide Service,
accompanied fishing holidays, Salmon, Sea Trout and Brown Trout fishing tuition.
Click the link, or call 01332 824652, or mobile 07748 002797, or E mail bill@egsscotland.co.uk
Sue McNiven - Flyfishing guide and instructor
Reel service and repair
Winter always comes around again, ideal time to have that precious reel serviced. Here's THE place to send your reels of ALL kinds for overhaul or repair. Reel Value Prices start at ã8.50 for a service, and your reel is worth how much??
They also sell fishing tackle, including some unbelievably low prices
Wader Repair
Oh yes and waders - ideal time for them as well. This guy started off repairing divers wet suits and dry suits and now repairs all kinds of waders as well - yes including breathables
Diver Dave - even has a collection service organised with Fed Ex for £10 to £15
Dave Dick, Upper Beat, 19th October, 2018. 8 pounds on a Stoats tail

Dave Dick, Upper Beat, 17th October, 2018. Plump Grayling 2 pounds 2 ozs on Olive emerger

Phillip Robson, Upper Beat, 15th September, 2018. BIG brownie on the last day of the trout season

Dave Dick, Upper Beat, 14th September, 2018. Nice Grilse on a Czech nymph. Caught

Dave Dick, Upper Beat, 14th September Czech nymph. Released

Matthew Purser, Upper Beat, 21st August, 2018, Sea Trout 5 pound ish, Silver Stoat

John Bamford, Upper Beat, 17th August, 2018, Brownie caught fishing for Sea Trout at night

Matthew Purser, Upper Beat, 17th August, 2018, Brownie caught fishing for Sea Trout at night

Dave Dick, Upper Beat,21st June, 2018, 21.5 inch Brown, 4 pounds, ghpt

Dave Dick, Upper Beat, Tuesday, 12th July, 2018, 15 inch Grayling, 1 1/2 pounds maybe, big dry Wickhams

Dave Dick, Upper Beat, Thursday, 22nd June, 2018, 20 inch, 3 pounds plus, black Gnat

He's done it again, George Littler, Applegarth Beat, Saturday, 10th June, 2018, Sea Trout this time

Craig Osborne, Applegarth Beat, couple of weeks ago, May, 2018, 5 pounder and a 4 pounder, Olive Nymph and a Deer hair olive. That's a hell of a brace of Brown Trout on any river

Dave Dick 17in 2 pound 3 oz Rainbow on Upper Beat followed by a 17.5 inch 2 pound 4 oz Sea Trout on Applegarth. Both on Silver March Brown on 19th June 2020

15.5in Pothole 270620 blue quill.jpg
Dave Dick 14.5 inch and 17.5 inch Brownies in Upper beat, 4th June, 2020
Both fat as butter. AND another 17 incher on the dry on Saturday 6th June

Neil Alston, 3rd October 2019, 8 and 5 pounds, Upper Beat, Green Highlander

David Wilson, 7th October, 2019, Kirn, 13 pounds and 4 pound Grilse

Neil Alston 10th October, 2019, Upper Beat mostly Fly. Neil has had more than this but the computer or server is acting up, and David Wilson has had some too

Allan Calvert, Lochbrow, Applegarth, 14th October, 2019, 12 lbs on a Cascade

Dave Dick, Upper Beat, 10th July, 2019. 2 pounds 2 ozs, 2 pounds 12 ozs and 2 pounds 11 ozs. All on PT nymph.

Dave Dick, Upper Beat, 9th May, 2019. 18 inches and 20 inches on a black gnat with Hawthorn flies on the water

Dave Dick, Upper Beat, 7th May, 2019. 20 inches on a blue Quill Dry

Colin Latto, Applegarth Beat, Saturday, 20th October, 2018, about 8 pounds, with thanks to "Sandy"

Colin Latto, Applegarth Beat, Saturday, 20th October, 2018, about 12 pounds, with even more thanks to "Sandy"
Secretary, Andy Dickson,
Braehead, Woodfoot, Moffat, Dumfriesshire, DG10 9PL. Tel No. 01683 300592. Mobile 07971 764022
E-mail andy.dickson1@yahoo.co.uk
My house overlooks the river so I can tell you height and condition
instantly. Phone or E mail for more information.
E &OE. Any errors are mine and no
fault of the people or organisations shown on these pages.
(C) 1999/2020, All rights reserved. Andy Dickson, UAAA
Most recent revision 14th May, 2020