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RIVER ANNAN HALLEATHS House pool, across from the car park and fishing hut in the middle of the beat
Halleaths Beat is the right bank looking downstream from just below the Kinnel confluence to just above the Lockerbie to Lochmaben road bridge. It benefits from the Dryfe confluence, with the Kinnel confluence just to the north. Wading is excellent in most parts, being small shingle, and the beat would seem to fish best with about two foot of a rise. Apart from salmon and sea trout it holds a good head of brown trout and grayling. Location - The River Annan is in the South-West of Scotland. The mouth is at Annan, 15 miles East of Dumfries, on the Solway Firth. Halleaths is about 10 miles upstream, slightly to the west of Lockerbie and east of Lochmaben, just 5 minutes drive from the M74. Access - Three car parks divide the water into two sections, allowing easy access on foot. The majority of the water is within a quarter of a mile of the car parks The stretch of water at Halleaths has a good flow of water and is easily fished, being without steep ledges or trees. There are 2 miles of single bank fishing on the western side opposite Dryfeholm, with eighteen named pools and runs. Both Salmon and Sea Trout numbers have improved steadily in recent years. Four year average catch returns - 2013 50 salmon and 58 sea trout Pools - Wire, Pipe Pool, The Willows, The Pot, Stannochs, Aleutian Run, House Pool, Creels, Redgate, Washing Machine, The Stones, Janicles, Dryfemouth, Dryfe Pool, Creamery, Creamery Stones, Old Viaduct, Savills Surprise. Best flies - Salmon - Admiral Nelson, Cascade, Black Monkey, Silver Stoat. Methods allowed - Mainly fly but spinning allowed when the water is above 2 feet 6 inches on the House Pool gauge. Season - 25th February - 30th November Availability of rods - Season Permits (there is a short waiting list) and two day tickets on Fishpal. Permits from - If you wish to go on the short waiting list then please email the owner A W Jack (awj@courance.co.uk) Ticket Prices - 2014 season permit prices are £370 Day Ticket prices - ticket prices are £20 to £45 pounds depending on time of year. Your source for online booking/availability of permits is Fishannan.co.uk or phone 01573 470612 during normal office hours |