Broomhill Beat, Halleaths
Meetings Pool, confluence of Kinnel tributary with the Annan

Link to Motoring Map
Broomhill Beat is the right bank looking downstream for the last 1.35km of the Kinnel Water to the confluence, and then a further four pools and runs on the River Annan. A particular highlight of this beat is the brown trout fishing especially dry fly on the Kinnel Water, and journalist and noted trout fisherman, Paul Procter, wrote about Broomhill in his article published in the September 2013 edition of Trout and Salmon. In the spring the fishing for brown trout can be exceptional with fish over 4lb not regarded as unusual. Shoals of Grayling inhabit this beat and can provide entertaining sport when the water is too low for salmon fishing.
Broomhill benefits enormously from Kinnel confluence as a great number of fish stop on this beat whilst making up their minds whether they are Annan fish or Kinnel fish, as a result the beat provides consistent fishing throughout the year. Wading is good in most parts, being small shingle, and would seem to fish best with about one and a half foot of a rise. Important: If fishing for salmon you should note that in both The Meetings and Cow Drink the fish lie very close to the bank beneath you and you must not wade in those pools.
Location - The River Annan is in the South-West of Scotland. The mouth is at Annan, 15 miles East of Dumfries, on the Solway Firth. Broomhill is about 12 miles upstream, slightly to the west of Lockerbie and east of Lochmaben, just 5 minutes drive from the M74.
Access - Two car parks divide the water into two sections, allowing easy access on foot. The majority of the water is within a quarter of a mile of the car parks
The stretch of water at Broomhill has a good flow of water and is easily fished. There are 1 1/2 miles of single bank fishing on the western side opposite Dryfeholm, with nine named pools and runs.
Four year average catch returns - N/A
Pools - Boundary, The Captain's Run, The Long Run, Chub Hole, The Jack Pool, The Meetings, Meetings Run, The Cables, Cow Drink.
Best flies - Wild Brown Trout: Olive Upright imitation, March Brown imitation, various Sedges.
Salmon: Admiral Nelson, Cascade, Black Monkey, Silver Stoat.
Sea Trout: Teal Blue and Silver, Medicine, Sunk Lure, Surface Poppers.
Grayling: Heavy Bugs and Spider Patterns.
Methods allowed - Mainly fly but spinning allowed when the water is above 2 feet 6 inches on the Halleaths House Pool gauge.
Season - 25th February - 30th November.
Availability of rods - Two day tickets available on Fishannan/Fishpal.
Day Ticket prices - ticket prices are £20 to £45 pounds depending on time of year.
Your source for online booking/availability of permits is Fishannan.co.uk or phone 01573 470612 during normal office hours
Halleaths Beat page